Wednesday, March 16, 2005


The other Visions team did the service on Sunday, and I was pretty impressed by their prayer idea.
The theme was the raising of Lazarus, When the other team planned the service they said they felt Jesus had been misunderstood as he waited rather than going straight to his friend. We were invited to write hidden things that we didn't always want to reveal for fear of being misunderstood (or more global misunderstandings ie political situations) on a sticker and hide it under a stone. But the instruction was given that later everyone would get to see these things, even if they ended up being fairly anonymous. Later - "no stone was left unturned' as we randomly chose a stone and prayed for the situation or person who had written something under that stone, and when we replaced the stone, we had it turned upwards. The stones ended up being pretty profound and revealing! Definitely a very cool way of praying for each other!

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