A while back I did a day at St Bede's centre, which does quiet days and all sorts of cool Christian spirituality stuff. Anyway a while after the session Ann Pugh wrote a poem about it. No-one has ever written a poem about anything I did before, so I asked her if I could put it up here as I think its rather wonderful.
So here it is...
quiet waiting, slowly breathing,
Listening, hearing, mind unbound.
Musical notes and melodies weaving
Necklaced beads of coloured sound.
Hands enfolding, holding, feeling.
Throwing, giving and receiving,
Writing and drawing signs in lines,
Or washing and healing of painful wounds.
Rhythmic instrumental playing,
Joy in stories, learning songs,.
Colourful images reminding
To share and care in hopeful prayer
Along with others where all belong.
Touch of stones with different textures,
Sculpted rough, eroded smooth,
Rolled by rivers, seas and oceans
Could build paths or walls secure.
Candles lit on water floating,
Shimmer, rupple, relfect the light/
Creating movement, then a stillness
For wonder, thankfulness and delight.
Ann Pugh - inspired by a Sue Wallace workshop.