Sunday, February 19, 2006

Completely brilliant projector stand idea!

I discovered a new idea that I really like the other day. We were doing the Visuals for the XL and XS youth events in York minster when I was after a stand to put our video projector on. All ours were in use in other places in the building. Anyway, Phil then offered me his stands. They are completely brilliant!

Basically he has taken his old Bose speaker Stands, which are about 2 metres high, and cut two pieces of chipboard with bolts in to bolt onto the top of the stand to make a solid shelf. What he has ended up with is a really high stand, which is tall enough to be well out of the way of anyone's head, which is incredibly easy to transport as it folds up like an umbrella. What a completely brilliant idea (I want one! I really really want one!)



Jensen Ackles said...


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