Saturday, August 13, 2005

ipod service gadget

I feel a bit like I've been very dense really! Last year I got myself an iPod mini thinking that I could use it to DJ off for services.
(well that's my justification for it anyway :-) I keep burning CDs with just one song on for a specific service, which is pretty wasteful really. I know I *could* use rewritable CDs but we've never had much luck with them as they can be very cranky). Anyway I've never been that happy sound-wise with the results of running a line from the headphone socket of the iPod. Well, one day I got around to investigating it properly on the web, and it turns out the solution is very simple. The pocket-dock lineout, is a tiny little gadget that gives a proper line out from the bottom iPod mini (or any other iPod for that matter). Problem solved!

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