Wednesday, August 31, 2005

small ideas are the best!

This weekend I had what I think is probably one of my best brainwaves ever! Its not big, or expensive (or even technological!)
but sometimes small ideas are the best. I've just come back from Greenbelt where we were doing two services. Now we never
have any shortage of helpers at Greenbelt, but not all of them are experienced at helping, and as the environment is different
jobs are different to our home church. In the past I have ended up feeling a little stressed during set-up because everyone descends on me, asking what to do and before I have a chance to explain one job, someone else interrupts with a request for another.

It turns out the solution is very simple. Just write simple instuctions for all the jobs needed for a particular service/meeting/whatever on a piece of paper. Cut it up into strips so there is one job per strip. Then just place somewhere central and let people pick the jobs they want to do. When they're finished they can scrumple the paper up and pick another.

Much easier (and it really reduces stress levels when preparing for important events!)


Anonymous said...

think this would work for chores at home too? :)

would suggest in GB you have a central copy of it all - in case a paper goes walk about - but yeah I think it's a simple and effective answer to your need.

This time next year a good follow up eh?

jimmy said...

killer idea!!!